Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 12, 2020

Best Mechanic If You Don't Like The Way I Do My Job Feel Free To Mind Your Own Business shirt

 Buy it: Funny Best Mechanic If You Don't Like The Way I Do My Job Feel Free To Mind Your Own Business shirt

Is cheery and to be that attest to the dedication of generations before me ranting and believes so fiercely in the equality liberty and justice for all this week marks the 100 anniversary of the passage of the 19th we celebrate and women who yet found any of the grant secure that victory is still prohibited regarding after stratification they were kind tired without fanfare or recognition Oregon if I rally in Mike's for them vote but for a Best Mechanic If You Don't Like The Way I Do My Job Feel Free To Mind Your Own Business shirt seat at the table being ranting the generation that followed worked to democracy and opportunity we have all the facts followed the way for the trailblazing leadership of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton these ranting I did it twice on renting a text around climate name and make them monthly and great sailing ship when I copy a story of Americans we stand on their shoulders there were the same as now the story is San I show that and sound like a time she came here from Indiana at age 19 to pursue her dream of curing cancer University of California Berkeley CNET conference in the study economics and most American rain on my team together that you feel a life movement of the 1960 industry of Oakland and Berkeley had stolen you of people getting into what a great journalist called to is fine my pants play another race has nothing on her own like so many she worked around the clock to work alliances before we love and paint now after we went to helping us with homework at the kitchen table and settling after church for client she made it let anything about it another way is still semiannual values that which typed the course of our lines seem a to be proud strong when may now be proud of in the inheritance she time to put family first the family pointing to family she and the lion on a blind date set up by my best data for children call Connie family is my sister family is my best friend got something family is family south not to let two doors down helped raise family and my beloved I design 998 family and friends trying to when I'm not the most important person in my life passed away from cancer even as she tried to keep our family at the center of our world she also pushed to see a world beyond ourselves seek to do because about the struggles of all people to believe public service is a noble and the fight for justice is a shared responsibility to become a lawyer at district attorney Attyand the United States and every step of the way guided either words I spoke for the first time said in a classroom has for the people thought the children and survivors of sexual assault thought against transnational criminal organizations the biggest banks take down one of the biggest for profit colleges predator when I see when my mother taught me that service to others in life purpose and oh how I wish you were here tonight I know she's looking down on me by keeping it in about at 25 year old Indian woman 5 feet to come okay thanks to try it out in open California case he probably could've ever imagined that I would be standing before you man speaking these words I accept your animation vice president of the United States of America do so to the values she currently is the word that teaches me to work faith I to envision three generations of Americans were so by saying vision a violation of a beloved community where all are welcome lately look like no matter where we confirmed we love a country where we agree on every detail but we believe that a human being is worse deserving of compassion ready respect country where we look out for another where we were all as where we our challenges celebrate our trends today is just China's failure of leadership has cost lines and livelihoods if you're a parent struggling with your child's remote learning teacher struggling on the other side of the screen you know what we're doing right now is not working and we are a nation that is grieving grieving the loss of life the last loss of opportunities the loss of normal fee and the lines of certainty and one virus touches all equal opportunity offender Latino indigenous people are suffering by disproportionately grandson is the effect of structural racism in equity in education and technology healthcare job security and transportation justice and reproductive health care the excessive use of force by police and broader criminal justice system is not it now exactly how we see each other and how we treat each other and let's be clear there is no vaccine foray we've got it do the work that George Floyd the Briand and Taylor for the lives of too many others to name for our children and for all of God to do the work to fulfill bad of equal justice under law you are free until all of three serrated inflection point the constant leaves us draft the fear afraid things makes us feel alone a lot we better deserve so much more we lack will bring different better to work for together my Latino Asian to achieve until we collectively were we must show Joe as vice president and general campaign trail first that the five my friend said Joe send them I served as a training of our faith Delaware California during the great recession and I spoke on the phone nearly every day working together to win back billions of dollars the homeowners from the banks foreclosed on people's homes and we talk about his family as a single father Joe would stand for hours every day riding the train back and forth from Wilmington to Washington though turned to have breakfast every morning at they went to sleep every night with the sound of his voice reading bedtime stories and while being delivered and unspeakable lines those two little boys are raised in a deeply unconditionally laughed at me about town the work that he did as he was going back and forth the leader wrote against women the recovery to run a country back from the great recession the affordable care of Americans with pre existing condition is an interest around the world Joe Lee wish and stand to fairies and the president who turns tragedy into political mappings Joe will be a precedent time challenges to purpose Joe will bring us together to build an economy that doesn't leave anyone behind where a good job if the floor feeling Joe will bring us together and and and make sure that we are prepared for the next one Joe will bring us together to squarely face and dismantle racial injustice during the work of generations Joe and I believe that we don't back beloved community one that is strong defense just kind one in which we can all see our South back vision that our parents and grandparents thought for the vision that made my life possible vision that makes the American timings for all its complexities and imperfections a promises worth fighting for a mistake about it had been a sample we may fall short 16 that we will boldly deal with challenges honestly we will speak truth and we were at the same that we ask you to play we believe that our country all of us stand together for a better future in the health workers and workers driving workers and the postal workers will workers all their own safety on the line to help get to and and so many of you who are working to get us through our current crisis is somewhere OUR country Joe or me that you about people of all ages and colors and creeds like taking to the state persuading family members rallying our friends neighbors felt we so that when we vote we ask access to health care access to the ballot box ensure more working family living so inspired by a new generation you you are pressing to realign the ideals of our needs to live the values we share decency and justice you are patriots who are in mind that at the love our country to fight for the idea of our country and collection we have a chance to change the course of history where all I you and tell together what awesome responsibility what are some privilege so with hope and to each other we know is possible we our children and grandchildren will look in our when the stakes are so high and we will tell them we tell them how we felt we then wiped we thank you God bless you and God blessed the United State They should be wisher able to talk to folks outside were keeping our social this is a claim of the rules that everyone demand to come this exciting day to grade a frog campaign it's a great day for America in my view over the past several weeks I've had incredible privilege of meeting to spending a good deal of time with a group of talented women leaders all over qualified to be president with each one more I learned about them the more I talk to the more impressed I want to do and I knew that before I think each and every one of them for being part of this process I look forward to working with them as we rebuild this country to get elected and once we are like God willing I approach this with the seriousness of purpose and of mind because this is a serious moment for our nation where at one of those inflection points you heard me say that before and I history a life changing election for this nation the choice the choice we make this November is going to decide the future of America for a very very long time and I had a great choice great opportunities I had great choice but I have no doubt that I picked the right person to join may is annexed by special United States of America that Sen. Is cheery and to be that attest to the dedication of generations before me ranting and believes so fiercely in the equality liberty and justice for all this week marks the 100 anniversary of the passage of the 19th we celebrate and women who yet found any of the grant secure that victory is still prohibited regarding after stratification they were kind tired without fanfare or recognition Oregon if I rally in Mike's for them vote but for a seat at the table being ranting the generation that followed worked to democracy and opportunity we have all the facts followed the way for the trailblazing leadership of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton these ranting I did it twice on renting a text around climate name and make them monthly and great sailing ship when I copy a story of Americans we stand on their shoulders there were the same as now the story is San I show that and sound like a time she came here from Indiana at age 19 to pursue her dream of curing cancer University of California Berkeley CNET conference in the study economics and most American rain on my team together that you feel a life movement of the 1960 industry of Oakland and Berkeley had stolen you of people getting into what a great journalist called to is fine my pants play another race has nothing on her own like so many she worked around the clock to work alliances before we love and paint now after we went to helping us with homework at the kitchen table and settling after church for client she made it let anything about it another way is still semiannual values that which typed the course of our lines seem a to be proud strong when may now be proud of in the inheritance she time to put family first the family pointing to family she and the lion on a blind date set up by my best data for children call Connie family is my sister family is my best friend got something family is family south not to let two doors down helped raise family and my beloved I design 998 family and friends trying to when I'm not the most important person in my life passed away from cancer even as she tried to keep our family at the center of our world she also pushed to see a world beyond ourselves seek to do because about the struggles of all people to believe public service is a noble and the fight for justice is a shared responsibility to become a lawyer at district attorney Attyand the United States and every step of the way guided either words I spoke for the first time said in a classroom has for the people thought the children and survivors of sexual assault thought against transnational criminal organizations the biggest banks take down one of the biggest for profit colleges predator when I see when my mother taught me that service to others in life purpose and oh how I wish you were here tonight I know she's looking down on me by keeping it in about at 25 year old Indian woman 5 feet to come okay thanks to try it out in open California case he probably could've ever imagined that I would be standing before you man speaking these words I accept your animation vice president of the United States of America do so to the values she currently is the word that teaches me to work faith I to envision three generations of Americans were so by saying vision a violation of a beloved community where all are welcome lately look like no matter where we confirmed we love a country where we agree on every detail but we believe that a human being is worse deserving of compassion ready respect country where we look out for another where we were all as where we our challenges celebrate our trends today is just China's failure of leadership has cost lines and livelihoods if you're a parent struggling with your child's remote learning teacher struggling on the other side of the screen you know what we're doing right now is not working and we are a nation that is grieving grieving the loss of life the last loss of opportunities the loss of normal fee and the lines of certainty and one virus touches all equal opportunity offender Latino indigenous people are suffering by disproportionately grandson is the effect of structural racism in equity in education and technology healthcare job security and transportation justice and reproductive health care the excessive use of force by police and broader criminal justice system is not it now exactly how we see each other and how we treat each other and let's be clear there is no vaccine foray we've got it do the work that George Floyd the Briand and Taylor for the lives of too many others to name for our children and for all of God to do the work to fulfill bad of equal justice under law you are free until all of three serrated inflection point the constant leaves us draft the fear afraid things makes us feel alone a lot we better deserve so much more we lack will bring different better to work for together my Latino Asian to achieve until we collectively were we must show Joe as vice president and general campaign trail first that the five my friend said Joe send them I served as a training of our faith Delaware California during the great recession and I spoke on the phone nearly every day working together to win back billions of dollars the homeowners from the banks foreclosed on people's homes and we talk about his family as a single father Joe would stand for hours every day riding the train back and forth from Wilmington to Washington though turned to have breakfast every morning at they went to sleep every night with the sound of his voice reading bedtime stories and while being delivered and unspeakable lines those two little boys are raised in a deeply unconditionally laughed at me about town the work that he did as he was going back and forth the leader wrote against women the recovery to run a country back from the great recession the affordable care of Americans with pre existing condition is an interest around the world Joe Lee wish and stand to fairies and the president who turns tragedy into political mappings Joe will be a precedent time challenges to purpose Joe will bring us together to build an economy that doesn't leave anyone behind where a good job if the floor feeling Joe will bring us together and and and make sure that we are prepared for the next one Joe will bring us together to squarely face and dismantle racial injustice during the work of generations Joe and I believe that we don't back beloved community one that is strong defense just kind one in which we can all see our South back vision that our parents and grandparents thought for the vision that made my life possible vision that makes the American timings for all its complexities and imperfections a promises worth fighting for a mistake about it had been a sample we may fall short 16 that we will boldly deal with challenges honestly we will speak truth and we were at the same that we ask you to play we believe that our country all of us stand together for a better future in the health workers and workers driving workers and the postal workers will workers all their own safety on the line to help get to and and so many of you who are working to get us through our current crisis is somewhere OUR country Joe or me that you about people of all ages and colors and creeds like taking to the state persuading family members rallying our friends neighbors felt we so that when we vote we ask access to health care access to the ballot box ensure more working family living so inspired by a new generation you you are pressing to realign the ideals of our needs to live the values we share decency and justice you are patriots who are in mind that at the love our country to fight for the idea of our country and collection we have a chance to change the course of history where all I you and tell together what awesome responsibility what are some privilege so with hope and to each other we know is possible we our children and grandchildren will look in our when the stakes are so high and we will tell them we tell them how we felt we then wiped we thank you God bless you and God blessed the United State They should be wisher able to talk to folks outside were keeping our social this is a claim of the rules that everyone demand to come this exciting day to grade a frog campaign it's a great day for America in my view over the past several weeks I've had incredible privilege of meeting to spending a good deal of time with a group of talented women leaders all over qualified to be president with each one more I learned about them the more I talk to the more impressed I want to do and I knew that before I think each and every one of them for being part of this process I look forward to working with them as we rebuild this country to get elected and once we are like God willing I approach this with the seriousness of purpose and of mind because this is a serious moment for our nation where at one of those inflection points you heard me say that before and I history a life changing election for this nation the choice the choice we make this November is going to decide the future of America for a very very long time and I had a great choice great opportunities I had great choice but I have no doubt that I picked the right person to join may is annexed by special United States of America that Sen. Is cheery and to be that attest to the dedication of generations before me ranting and believes so fiercely in the equality liberty and justice for all this week marks the 100 anniversary of the passage of the 19th we celebrate and women who yet found any of the grant secure that victory is still prohibited regarding after stratification they were kind tired without fanfare or recognition Oregon if I rally in Mike's for them vote but for a seat at the table being ranting the generation that followed worked to democracy and opportunity we have all the facts followed the way for the trailblazing leadership of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton these ranting I did it twice on renting a text around climate name and make them monthly and great sailing ship when I copy a story of Americans we stand on their shoulders there were the same as now the story is San I show that and sound like a time she came here from Indiana at age 19 to pursue her dream of curing cancer University of California Berkeley CNET conference in the study economics and most American rain on my team together that you feel a life movement of the 1960 industry of Oakland and Berkeley had stolen you of people getting into what a great journalist called to is fine my pants play another race has nothing on her own like so many she worked around the clock to work alliances before we love and paint now after we went to helping us with homework at the kitchen table and settling after church for client she made it let anything about it another way is still semiannual values that which typed the course of our lines seem a to be proud strong when may now be proud of in the inheritance she time to put family first the family pointing to family she and the lion on a blind date set up by my best data for children call Connie family is my sister family is my best friend got something family is family south not to let two doors down helped raise family and my beloved I design 998 family and friends trying to when I'm not the most important person in my life passed away from cancer even as she tried to keep our family at the center of our world she also pushed to see a world beyond ourselves seek to do because about the struggles of all people to believe public service is a noble and the fight for justice is a shared responsibility to become a lawyer at district attorney Attyand the United States and every step of the way guided either words I spoke for the first time said in a classroom has for the people thought the children and survivors of sexual assault thought against transnational criminal organizations the biggest banks take down one of the biggest for profit colleges predator when I see when my mother taught me that service to others in life purpose and oh how I wish you were here tonight I know she's looking down on me by keeping it in about at 25 year old Indian woman 5 feet to come okay thanks to try it out in open California case he probably could've ever imagined that I would be standing before you man speaking these words I accept your animation vice president of the United States of America do so to the values she currently is the word that teaches me to work faith I to envision three generations of Americans were so by saying vision a violation of a beloved community where all are welcome lately look like no matter where we confirmed we love a country where we agree on every detail but we believe that a human being is worse deserving of compassion ready respect country where we look out for another where we were all as where we our challenges celebrate our trends today is just China's failure of leadership has cost lines and livelihoods if you're a parent struggling with your child's remote learning teacher struggling on the other side of the screen you know what we're doing right now is not working and we are a nation that is grieving grieving the loss of life the last loss of opportunities the loss of normal fee and the lines of certainty and one virus touches all equal opportunity offender Latino indigenous people are suffering by disproportionately grandson is the effect of structural racism in equity in education and technology healthcare job security and transportation justice and reproductive health care the excessive use of force by police and broader criminal justice system is not it now exactly how we see each other and how we treat each other and let's be clear there is no vaccine foray we've got it do the work that George Floyd the Briand and Taylor for the lives of too many others to name for our children and for all of God to do the work to fulfill bad of equal justice under law you are free until all of three serrated inflection point the constant leaves us draft the fear afraid things makes us feel alone a lot we better deserve so much more we lack will bring different better to work for together my Latino Asian to achieve until we collectively were we must show Joe as vice president and general campaign trail first that the five my friend said Joe send them I served as a training of our faith Delaware California during the great recession and I spoke on the phone nearly every day working together to win back billions of dollars the homeowners from the banks foreclosed on people's homes and we talk about his family as a single father Joe would stand for hours every day riding the train back and forth from Wilmington to Washington though turned to have breakfast every morning at they went to sleep every night with the sound of his voice reading bedtime stories and while being delivered and unspeakable lines those two little boys are raised in a deeply unconditionally laughed at me about town the work that he did as he was going back and forth the leader wrote against women the recovery to run a country back from the great recession the affordable care of Americans with pre existing condition is an interest around the world Joe Lee wish and stand to fairies and the president who turns tragedy into political mappings Joe will be a precedent time challenges to purpose Joe will bring us together to build an economy that doesn't leave anyone behind where a good job if the floor feeling Joe will bring us together and and and make sure that we are prepared for the next one Joe will bring us together to squarely face and dismantle racial injustice during the work of generations Joe and I believe that we don't back beloved community one that is strong defense just kind one in which we can all see our South back vision that our parents and grandparents thought for the vision that made my life possible vision that makes the American timings for all its complexities and imperfections a promises worth fighting for a mistake about it had been a sample we may fall short 16 that we will boldly deal with challenges honestly we will speak truth and we were at the same that we ask you to play we believe that our country all of us stand together for a better future in the health workers and workers driving workers and the postal workers will workers all their own safety on the line to help get to and and so many of you who are working to get us through our current crisis is somewhere OUR country Joe or me that you about people of all ages and colors and creeds like taking to the state persuading family members rallying our friends neighbors felt we so that when we vote we ask access to health care access to the ballot box ensure more working family living so inspired by a new generation you you are pressing to realign the ideals of our needs to live the values we share decency and justice you are patriots who are in mind that at the love our country to fight for the idea of our country and collection we have a chance to change the course of history where all I you and tell together what awesome responsibility what are some privilege so with hope and to each other we know is possible we our children and grandchildren will look in our when the stakes are so high and we will tell them we tell them how we felt we then wiped we thank you God bless you and God blessed the United State They should be wisher able to talk to folks outside were keeping our social this is a claim of the rules that everyone demand to come this exciting day to grade a frog campaign it's a great day for America in my view over the past several weeks I've had incredible privilege of meeting to spending a good deal of time with a group of talented women leaders all over qualified to be president with each one more I learned about them the more I talk to the more impressed I want to do and I knew that before I think each and every one of them for being part of this process I look forward to working with them as we rebuild this country to get elected and once we are like God willing I approach this with the seriousness of purpose and of mind because this is a serious moment for our nation where at one of those inflection points you heard me say that before and I history a life changing election for this nation the choice the choice we make this November is going to decide the future of America for a very very long time and I had a great choice great opportunities I had great choice but I have no doubt that I picked the right person to join may is annexed by special United States of America that Sen

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Is cheery and to be that attest to the dedication of generations before me ranting and believes so fiercely in the equality liberty and justice for all this week marks the 100 anniversary of the passage of the 19th we celebrate and women who yet found any of the grant secure that victory is still prohibited regarding after stratification they were kind tired without fanfare or recognition Oregon if I rally in Mike's for them vote but for a Best Mechanic If You Don't Like The Way I Do My Job Feel Free To Mind Your Own Business shirt seat at the table being ranting the generation that followed worked to democracy and opportunity we have all the facts followed the way for the trailblazing leadership of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton these ranting I did it twice on renting a text around climate name and make them monthly and great sailing ship when I copy a story of Americans we stand on their shoulders there were the same as now the story is San I show that and sound like a time she came here from Indiana at age 19 to pursue her dream of curing cancer University of California Berkeley CNET conference in the study economics and most American rain on my team together that you feel a life movement of the 1960 industry of Oakland and Berkeley had stolen you of people getting into what a great journalist called to is fine my pants play another race has nothing on her own like so many she worked around the clock to work alliances before we love and paint now after we went to helping us with homework at the kitchen table and settling after church for client she made it let anything about it another way is still semiannual values that which typed the course of our lines seem a to be proud strong when may now be proud of in the inheritance she time to put family first the family pointing to family she and the lion on a blind date set up by my best data for children call Connie family is my sister family is my best friend got something family is family south not to let two doors down helped raise family and my beloved I design 998 family and friends trying to when I'm not the most important person in my life passed away from cancer even as she tried to keep our family at the center of our world she also pushed to see a world beyond ourselves seek to do because about the struggles of all people to believe public service is a noble and the fight for justice is a shared responsibility to become a lawyer at district attorney Attyand the United States and every step of the way guided either words I spoke for the first time said in a classroom has for the people thought the children and survivors of sexual assault thought against transnational criminal organizations the biggest banks take down one of the biggest for profit colleges predator when I see when my mother taught me that service to others in life purpose and oh how I wish you were here tonight I know she's looking down on me by keeping it in about at 25 year old Indian woman 5 feet to come okay thanks to try it out in open California case he probably could've ever imagined that I would be standing before you man speaking these words I accept your animation vice president of the United States of America do so to the values she currently is the word that teaches me to work faith I to envision three generations of Americans were so by saying vision a violation of a beloved community where all are welcome lately look like no matter where we confirmed we love a country where we agree on every detail but we believe that a human being is worse deserving of compassion ready respect country where we look out for another where we were all as where we our challenges celebrate our trends today is just China's failure of leadership has cost lines and livelihoods if you're a parent struggling with your child's remote learning teacher struggling on the other side of the screen you know what we're doing right now is not working and we are a nation that is grieving grieving the loss of life the last loss of opportunities the loss of normal fee and the lines of certainty and one virus touches all equal opportunity offender Latino indigenous people are suffering by disproportionately grandson is the effect of structural racism in equity in education and technology healthcare job security and transportation justice and reproductive health care the excessive use of force by police and broader criminal justice system is not it now exactly how we see each other and how we treat each other and let's be clear there is no vaccine foray we've got it do the work that George Floyd the Briand and Taylor for the lives of too many others to name for our children and for all of God to do the work to fulfill bad of equal justice under law you are free until all of three serrated inflection point the constant leaves us draft the fear afraid things makes us feel alone a lot we better deserve so much more we lack will bring different better to work for together my Latino Asian to achieve until we collectively were we must show Joe as vice president and general campaign trail first that the five my friend said Joe send them I served as a training of our faith Delaware California during the great recession and I spoke on the phone nearly every day working together to win back billions of dollars the homeowners from the banks foreclosed on people's homes and we talk about his family as a single father Joe would stand for hours every day riding the train back and forth from Wilmington to Washington though turned to have breakfast every morning at they went to sleep every night with the sound of his voice reading bedtime stories and while being delivered and unspeakable lines those two little boys are raised in a deeply unconditionally laughed at me about town the work that he did as he was going back and forth the leader wrote against women the recovery to run a country back from the great recession the affordable care of Americans with pre existing condition is an interest around the world Joe Lee wish and stand to fairies and the president who turns tragedy into political mappings Joe will be a precedent time challenges to purpose Joe will bring us together to build an economy that doesn't leave anyone behind where a good job if the floor feeling Joe will bring us together and and and make sure that we are prepared for the next one Joe will bring us together to squarely face and dismantle racial injustice during the work of generations Joe and I believe that we don't back beloved community one that is strong defense just kind one in which we can all see our South back vision that our parents and grandparents thought for the vision that made my life possible vision that makes the American timings for all its complexities and imperfections a promises worth fighting for a mistake about it had been a sample we may fall short 16 that we will boldly deal with challenges honestly we will speak truth and we were at the same that we ask you to play we believe that our country all of us stand together for a better future in the health workers and workers driving workers and the postal workers will workers all their own safety on the line to help get to and and so many of you who are working to get us through our current crisis is somewhere OUR country Joe or me that you about people of all ages and colors and creeds like taking to the state persuading family members rallying our friends neighbors felt we so that when we vote we ask access to health care access to the ballot box ensure more working family living so inspired by a new generation you you are pressing to realign the ideals of our needs to live the values we share decency and justice you are patriots who are in mind that at the love our country to fight for the idea of our country and collection we have a chance to change the course of history where all I you and tell together what awesome responsibility what are some privilege so with hope and to each other we know is possible we our children and grandchildren will look in our when the stakes are so high and we will tell them we tell them how we felt we then wiped we thank you God bless you and God blessed the United State They should be wisher able to talk to folks outside were keeping our social this is a claim of the rules that everyone demand to come this exciting day to grade a frog campaign it's a great day for America in my view over the past several weeks I've had incredible privilege of meeting to spending a good deal of time with a group of talented women leaders all over qualified to be president with each one more I learned about them the more I talk to the more impressed I want to do and I knew that before I think each and every one of them for being part of this process I look forward to working with them as we rebuild this country to get elected and once we are like God willing I approach this with the seriousness of purpose and of mind because this is a serious moment for our nation where at one of those inflection points you heard me say that before and I history a life changing election for this nation the choice the choice we make this November is going to decide the future of America for a very very long time and I had a great choice great opportunities I had great choice but I have no doubt that I picked the right person to join may is annexed by special United States of America that Sen. THE TRUMPET MINISTRATION OF USING THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT FOR POLITICAL PURPOSES JUST WEEKS AWAY FROM ELECTION SAY IT IS PARTICULARLY EGREGIOUS TO TRY TO USE A CIVIL RIGHTS LAWS TO INVESTIGATE INTIMIDATE OR DETER THOSE THAT ARE FIGHTING FOR CIVIL RIGHTS IN OUR COUNTRY I SAW A GUY DRIVING A TRUCK THE OTHER DAY THAT I HAD A DON'T DURKIN SIGN ON IT SO BOTH SIDES WANT TO GET RID OF HER LIKE THE PEOPLE IN SHOP WERE WANTING WERE CALLING FOR HER RESIGNATION SO IT WILL DO RIGHT AND THE LEFT GOING FOR HIS PEOPLE AND SHOP WOULD PROBABLY CALL FOR THE RESIGNATION ALMOST ANYONE WHAT BELIEVES IT'S FUNNY BECAUSE THE CHIEF OF POLICE WAS AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMAN THE GOV. THE TRUMPET MINISTRATION OF USING THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT FOR POLITICAL PURPOSES JUST WEEKS AWAY FROM ELECTION SAY IT IS PARTICULARLY EGREGIOUS TO TRY TO USE A CIVIL RIGHTS LAWS TO INVESTIGATE INTIMIDATE OR DETER THOSE THAT ARE FIGHTING FOR CIVIL RIGHTS IN OUR COUNTRY I SAW A GUY DRIVING A TRUCK THE OTHER DAY THAT I HAD A DON'T DURKIN SIGN ON IT SO BOTH SIDES WANT TO GET RID OF HER LIKE THE PEOPLE IN SHOP WERE WANTING WERE CALLING FOR HER RESIGNATION SO IT WILL DO RIGHT AND THE LEFT GOING FOR HIS PEOPLE AND SHOP WOULD PROBABLY CALL FOR THE RESIGNATION ALMOST ANYONE WHAT BELIEVES IT'S FUNNY BECAUSE THE CHIEF OF POLICE WAS AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMAN THE GOV
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